Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Are You Marketing to The Wrong Audience?

Lady walks into a doctors office and the doctor says, Sally I know exactly what's wrong with you I can see it all over your face. I will write you a prescription, take it to the pharmacy and I'll see you next week.

Are you marketing like this to your prospects? Before you give them a solution to their problem you have to find out what their problem is. Then and only then can you give the solution.

There are so many Marketers that think the answer to anyone's problem is their business. In fact the ones that signs up end up being not right for them or you.

You want to attract people who are going to work just as hard as you to create a legacy for generations to come. The problem is, you yourself may not even be in the right place.

Chances are, if you are doing this type of Marketing, who taught you it? Leading your Marketing off with hype will never give you the type of business you can sustain.

If this is, you it's not your fault. You are just like thousands of others who just are headed down a road of the school of hard knocks. Nothing wrong with that, just it will take you much longer to prosper.

I was headed in the same direction. I lost thousands of dollars and because of the type of Marketing I was being shown, it didn't work for me anyway. I went searching for the right way and stumbled across something that has changed my life forever.

It wasn't MLM like before. It showed me how to market effectively, how to attract the right people, how to capitalize off of prospects even if they don't join my business, and how to earn 5 figures a month on a handful of sales.

I was grateful finding Jay Kubassek when I did. He is "the" difference in me building my Business and Winning.

See for yourself if you believe you can start Winning Too.

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