Saturday, December 24, 2011

For Things to Change It Must Start Within You.

Are the old school methods of MLM keeping Network Marketers trapped in outdated warm markets? I recently had a conversation with a MLM'er who has been marketing since 1971 and doesn't know that it is possible for a person with the right techniques to earn a 6 or multiple 6 figure income.

He told me that it was impossible for what I was trying to share with him and that was ok. I just wanted to give him heads up on better and more efficient ways to build his legacy. I then took a look at what he was promoting on the web, and it turns out he has no idea how to market on the internet.

I couldn't reach him because he was set in his own ways. He has not found out that the internet is the new resource for network marketing. Although he was trying to do it. What I offer will not appeal to everyone because of the lack of mindset required to believe in a better reality for most.

I will continue to try and wake up the majority because our communities and Entrepreneurs need to make the world a better place for all of us and even better, our children. It starts with us, each one teach one. If we can accomplish this, we will live in a better place with lasting wealth.

I had to be re-programmed myself. I knew if I wanted to live life on my terms I had to change. One simple change in my life was deciding to surround myself with the people I knew had what I was in search of. I was hanging around people who was living to die. Day by day wondering what was going to happen to them. I wanted better so I had to create my destiny.

I stumbled across this gentleman and he has changed my life fore-ever.

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